
Do you have a question or suggestion about topics of the NCCS or the web platform? Please contact us via the contact form.

For specific questions about scientific results, projects, data usage or information regarding sectors or regions, please refer to the corresponding pages within our web platform.

Hydrological principles of climate change

The core topic of the NCCS Hydro-CH2018 focusses on the water resources and their future development. The objective is to supply the necessary fundamental hydrological principles for adaptation.

CH2018 climate scenarios

CH2018 prepares climate change scenarios for Switzerland based on the latest climate model simulations, taking account of user needs.

Contact form


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Last modification 12.04.2024

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Office of the National Centre for Climate Services NCCS
Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Operation Center 1
P.O. Box
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport

Angela Michiko Hama 

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