Explore the results of Hydro-CH2018 yourself with the web atlas! The web atlas provides access to graphics and data as described on the hydrological xcenarios web pages, but includes all locations, all seasons, all future time periods, and all emission scenarios for which calculations have been made. Three different graphs highlight different aspects of hydrological scenarios and give you quick access to the information you are interested in.
The web atlas has been revised and is now available in a new design.
Terms and conditions
The Hydro-CH2018 web atlas graphics are provided under the CC BY 4.0 license.
Among others, this means that users are allowed to share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon for any purpose, even commercially) the data and graphics, under the condition that proper reference is given to the Hydro-CH2018 hydrological scenarios. Please note also that all material is provided without any warranties and guarantees.
Last modification 11.07.2024