Further activities


Those in poverty are the most severely impacted by climate change. Climandes is working to ensure that small-scale farmers in Peru have access to weather and climate forecasts.
Darstellung des Solarpotentials von Hausächern in Locarno. Die Farbe rot zeigt ein hohes Potential an, die Farben gelb udn orange ein mittleres sowie blau ein geringes Potential.

Solar energy: The solar potential of all roofs in Switzerland – a climate-related service

How much energy or heat can my roof produce? The interactive application sonnendach.ch allows users anywhere in Switzerland to see how well suited their building is for producing energy.

Climate-adapted construction

Buildings constructed today are exposed to the climatic changes of tomorrow. To optimally design the building architecture and technology and to assess the future energy demand of buildings, a Switzerland-wide basis in the form of hourly climate data sets for building simulations is now available.

Last modification 19.11.2021

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Office of the National Centre for Climate Services NCCS
Federal Office of meteorology and climatology MeteoSwiss
Operation Center 1
P.O. Box
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport

Angela Michiko Hama 


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