Thirty-one projects were implemented in the first phase of the pilot programme between 2014 and 2016. They helped to raise awareness among a wide range of stakeholders and expand the knowledge and expertise required for practical action. Full details of the completed projects can be found in this project archive.
Dealing with local water scarcity
Dealing with natural hazards
Management of ecosystem changes and land use
Climate-adapted urban and settlement development
Knowledge transfer and governance
The first phase of the pilot programme made a significant contribution to implementing the Federal Council's adaptation strategy. This was the conclusion reached by an external evaluation. Working in five thematic clusters, the participating cantons, regions, communes, associations, companies and research institutions showed how practical steps can be taken to adapt to the consequences of climate change.
This video presents the pilot programme and shows results from the first phase (in German).
Further informations
Schlussbericht Evaluation Pilotprogramm Anpassung an den Klimawandel (PDF, 682 kB, 30.05.2017)Interface, im Auftrag des BAFU
Last modification 12.02.2018
Federal Office for the Environment
Reporting and Adaptation Section
Papiermühlestr. 172
3063 Ittigen