You can download the electronic version of the brochure or order the printed brochure here. This is aimed at users in the field.
Hail climate brochure
National Centre for Climate Services NCCS
c/o Federal Office for Climatology and Meteorology MeteoSwiss
Operation Center 1, P.O. Box 257
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport
This publication is also available in French, Italian and German.
Technical reports
Technical Report: Data, findings and documentation
This report describes the methods and findings of the project “Hail Climate Switzerland” in detail. It is intended for researchers and is available here in German.
Citation: Schröer, K., Trefalt, S., Hering, A. Germann, U., Schwierz, C.: 2022, Hagelklima Schweiz: Daten, Ergebnisse und Dokumentation, Fachbericht MeteoSchweiz, 283, 82 pp.
Technical Report: Operational radar hail detection algorithms
This document focuses on the quality assessment and improvement of the existing operational radar hail detection algorithms at MeteoSwiss that form the basis for the new hail statistics. This report is available in English.
Citation: Trefalt S, Germann U, Hering A, Clementi L, Boscacci M, Schröer K, Schwierz C: 2022, Hail Climate Switzerland Operational radar hail detection algorithms at MeteoSwiss: quality assessment and improvement, Technical Report MeteoSwiss, 284, 120pp.
The key messages in compact form can be found in the Hail climate brochure. This is aimed at users in the field.
Last modification 08.09.2023