
Here you will find a guideline for the implementation of measures for climate protection or adaptation to climate change.

More green and blue, less grey

This is exactly what Suhr (AG) has done, creating more green and open spaces within the commune for the benefit of nature and local people. In this short video, Thomas Baumann, a communal councillor and farmer from Suhr, and Veronika Sutter, an expert in green and open spaces, show what communes should be aiming for and give them some useful tips.

Other resources for green and open spaces:

Heat in cities

Hitze in Städten

With climate change, periods of hot weather will become more frequent, longer, and hotter. The negative impact of this heat will be felt particularly keenly in cities and agglomerations, because the roads, pavements and buildings absorb the sun's rays and heat up the local environment. Urban planning can reduce this urban heat island effect by adapting the design of outside space to the changing climate. To this end, open green spaces must be planned, with plenty of shade, and cooling water elements that are accessible to all. Fresh air from the surrounding area, as well as air
circulation, must also be ensured. This report collates numerous examples that show how the heat island effect can be mitigated

Heat in cities (PDF, 10 MB, 18.02.2021)This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages.

Last modification 13.06.2022

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Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Climate Reporting and Adaptation

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3063 Ittigen

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