Options for action

Climate change will affect both energy demand and energy production. Higher temperatures allow the heating energy requirement to fall in the winter, while the cooling power consumption increases in the summer. Changes also arise for the generation of electricity in thermal and hydro power plants as well as for the safety of transport infrastructures.

Fields of action and the Confederation’s goals

Energy requirements for air conditioning/cooling of buildings

  • Efficient solutions for dealing with rising temperatures (buildings, building technology and building greenery areas; Phase
    planning, execution and operation) are implemented.

Generation of electricity from hydropower

  • The contribution of hydropower to maintaining security of supply is assured.
  • The hydropower potential is optimally utilised under changing hydrological and water-economy framework conditions.
  • New climate-related risks (e.g., due to the retreat of permafrost) are taken into account in the context of the Confederation’s safety oversight.

Generation of electricity in thermal power plants

  • The contribution of thermal power plants to the maintenance of supply security is ensured with the guarantee of plant safety (especially in the case of heat waves) and coordination with other water users.

Maintenance and safety of transport infrastructures

  • In the Confederation’s oversight and control activities, the impacts of climate change are taken into account in accordance with risk.

Further informations

Specialist staff
Last modification 28.04.2016

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Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
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