Climate Forum Switzerland

The "Climate Forum Switzerland - Dealing with Climate Change" is an information and networking event on climate related topics in Switzerland. The focus is on dialogue and networking between research, administration and practice.

The Climate Forum Switzerland was created by merging the NCCS Forum and the Symposium on Adaptation to Climate Change. The event is organised under the umbrella of the NCCS by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss as well as other members of the NCCS and ProClim.

Climate Forum Switzerland 2024

The first "Climate Forum Switzerland - Dealing with Climate Change" took place on Tuesday, 18 June 2024 at the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern on the topic of "Adaptation. Solutions. Implementation".

How can adaptation measures be implemented effectively? What are the prerequisites for this? What are the key success factors for putting known solutions into practice? The first Climate Forum Switzerland explored these questions.

The other presentations cannot be made available for legal reasons.

All information on the NCCS-Impacts programme and the individual projects is available on the NCCS-Impacts page.

Impressions of the "Climate Forum Switzerland - Dealing with climate change" on 18 June 2024

Last modification 26.06.2024

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Office of the National Centre for Climate Services NCCS
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Operation Center 1
P.O. Box
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport

Angela Michiko Hama


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