
The NCCS is organised in the form of a virtual centre, and brings together administrative federal bodies. It coordinates the collaborative development and provision of climate services and promotes dialogue among all actors involved.

The Directors of the NCCS members at the inauguration press conference in 2015. Left to right: Konrad Steffen (WSL), Detlef Günther (ETH Zurich), Bruno Oberle (FOEN), Peter Binder (MeteoSwiss), Bernard Lehmann (FOAG), Benno Bühlmann (FOCP).

The Confederation established the NCCS in the autumn of 2015 on the recommendation of the World Meteorological Organisation’s Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The GFCS calls for national coordination and innovation mechanisms to be set up for the development and provision of climate services. The NCCS currently comprises nine members.

Learn more about the NCCS members and partners.


The following organs and functions make up the NCCS organisation:

  • Board of Directors
  • Executive Committee
  • Communication group
  • Web team
  • Secretariat
  • Heads of the Priority Themes

Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors are the Directors of the government agencies involved, together with the Vice President for Research and Corporate Relations at ETH Zurich. They are responsible for the strategic, financial and thematic focus of the NCCS.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Executive Director and representatives of the Board of Directors for each member organisation, as well as additional experts. The Executive Committee is responsible for thematic planning and strategy implementation.

Communication group

The NCCS Communication Group is composed of communication experts from all NCCS members as well as from ProClim as an NCCS partner. It advises the Secretariat on overarching communication activities and ensures their dissemination through the NCCS network.

Web team

The web editorial team is composed of representatives from the NCCS members and/or the thematic focal points . They are responsible for the content of the respective topics on the NCCS web platform and, as a committee, drive the further development of the web platform.


The Secretariat is the central point of contact, and operational management and coordination office for the NCCS. It is hosted by MeteoSwiss and since 2016 run by Angela Michiko Hama as Executive Director.


Angela Michiko Hama

Executive Director of the NCCS

Management of the NCCS office, coordination of the development and implementation of NCCS activities.

Andreas Fischer

Deputy executive director of the NCCS

Management of the NCCS-Impacts programme, coordination of calls for tenders and commissioning to third parties

Karen Jent

Scientific officer

Communications NCCS and NCCS-Impacts, web editor, project management

Priority themes

Expert teams within the NCCS work to develop climate services in relation to important issues in a number of priority themes. These services are coordinated by the Heads of the priority themes. These priority themes welcome collaboration with specialists from other organisations both within and outside of the federal government.

Further information:

Programme NCCS-Impacts

In the "NCCS-Impacts" programme, several cross-sectoral and interlinked projects are implemented. Within these projects, consortia made up of researchers and practitioners develop actionable climate services for the environment, economy and society.

Further information:

Organisational chart

Organisational chart of the NCCS
Organisational chart of the NCCS

Last modification 19.11.2021

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Office of the National Centre for Climate Services NCCS
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Operation Center 1
P.O. Box
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport

Angela Michiko Hama 


Print contact