Global impacts of climate change on Switzerland

The aim of this project is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the impacts of global climate change on Switzerland's economic performance and on its key supply chains.

Project objectives

  • The project will explore new insights into Switzerland's economic performance in the context of future weather- and climate-related disruptions.
  • The project will process and make available the exposure of key economic sectors, countries and economic areas and their climate-related vulnerability.
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Project content

  • In-depth analysis of the impacts of global climate change on Switzerland's economic performance using the CLIMADA modelling chain.
  • Investigation of the impact on Switzerland's economic performance caused by current and future weather- and climate-related vulnerabilities using impact functions.
  • Produce and publish a user-friendly interactive map that enables the Swiss industrial sector to forecast and understand the impacts of climate change on their sectors.
  • Adaptation recommendations to effectively identify, assess and manage risks to supply chains arising from global climate change.

Project partners

Last modification 23.07.2024

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Project management NCCS
Vincent Roth
Federal office for the environment (FOEN)


Project implementation
Samuel Brown
Head of Climate Risk Insight and Solutions


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