Impact costs of climate change in Switzerland

The project involves the determination and comparison of the costs of climate change (climate impact costs and adaptation costs) in 2060 under three different climate scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5). The costs are calculated and compared at an overall level, but also for the different actors: Confederation, cantons, municipalities, the private sector and private individuals.

Project goals

  • The project develops an overview of climate change impacts and associated costs in Switzerland in aggregated form and broken down by the levels of government: Confederation, cantons, municipalities as well as the private sector and individuals.
  • Calculation of the costs of climate change with a bottom-up approach using various methods and tools (esp. CLIMADA, input-output tables, exploratory modelling). 
  • The costs are determined and compared with and without global climate protection measures as well as with and without adaptation measures (and their costs). 
FKS-Poster_P5KostenKlimawandel_FR_300x212click to download (in German only)

Project content

  • The impacts of climate change today and for different emission scenarios until 2060 are identified and visualised (reference period 1981-2010, RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, including socio-economic changes). 
  • The costs associated with the current and future impacts of climate change are identified and visualised, including the distribution of these costs among the actors (Confederation, cantons, cities, municipalities, private companies and individuals). 
  • Adaptation pathways and scorecards are developed based on the prioritised adaptation strategies. 
  • The costs of adaptation today and in 2060 are identified and visualised, including the distribution among the actors (reference period 1981-2010, RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, including socio-economic changes). 
  • The macroeconomic costs of climate change and adaptation for Switzerland are estimated, including impacts on employment, value added, GDP, social and regional effects, monetisation of externalities (where possible) and budgetary impacts.
  • Development of a web-based digital map for interactive exploration of the costs of climate change in Switzerland according to different scenarios, impact areas, sectors and geographical areas.

Project partners

Last modification 23.07.2024

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Project management NCCS
Vincent Roth
Federal office for the environment (FOEN)


Project implementation
Denise Fussen
EBP Schweiz


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