CH2018 datasets




CH2018 - Climate Scenarios for Switzerland

Version and year of publication:

1.0 / 2018


Technical Report: CH2018 (2018), CH2018 – Climate Scenarios for Switzerland, Technical Report, National Centre for Climate Services, Zurich, ISBN: 978-3-9525031-4-0

Dataset: CH2018 Project Team (2018): CH2018 - Climate Scenarios for Switzerland. National Centre for Climate Services. doi: 10.18751/Climate/Scenarios/CH2018/1.0


CC BY 4.0

Description and Data Access

A number of datasets of the CH2018 scenarios are available for use in impact research and practical applications. The datasets fall into two categories:

Daily time series

Two datasets contain transient daily time series of several variables at stations (DAILY-LOCAL) or on a high-resolution 2km grid (DAILY-GRIDDED). These datasets are primarily useful for research purposes and are available upon request.

The daily time series datasets are available upon request via the contact form

Average changes in mean values and indices

These datasets contain 30-year average changes in seasonal or annual mean variables (SEASONAL-REGIONAL) and indices (INDEX-LOCAL, INDEX-REGIONAL). They are geared toward practical application, especially in the context of adaptation to climate change.

They are accessible via the CH2018 web Atlas.

Terms and Conditions

The CH2018 szenario data are provided under the CC BY 4.0 license.

Among others, this means that users are allowed to share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon for any purpose, even commercially) the data, under the condition that proper reference is given to the CH2018 project (see citation above). Please note also that all material is provided without any warranties and guarantees.


The CH2018 scenario data are based on the CORDEX Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (

Further information

Overview of CH2018 data

Future development of the climate in Switzerland until the middle and end of the century. Content: Key messages, Facts and figures, Understanding Climate Change Scenarios, CH2018 technical report, CH2018 brochure, Expert statements.

Overview of climate indicators in CH2018

This document aims to provide an overview of the definitions used in CH2018 because the climate indicators can be defined in different ways and the set of indicators covered in CH2018 has been expanded since these climate scenarios were published.

Swiss Climate Change Scenarios

Future development of the climate in Switzerland until the middle and end of the century. Content: Key messages, Facts and figures, Understanding Climate Change Scenarios, CH2018 technical report, CH2018 brochure, Expert statements.

Icon Webatlas

CH2018 web atlas

Based on your selection criteria, you are provided with a wide range of graphics and the associated data. Various climate parameters are available for measuring stations, regions, cantons or the whole of Switzerland.

Climate change in the Swiss cantons

Information on climate change and climate adaption in the Swiss cantons.

Icon Datensatz

Hydro-CH2018 datasets

A selection of datasets from the Hydro-CH2018 hydrologic scenarios is available for use in climate impact research and practice.

Last modification 26.06.2024

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