Where do ecologically valuable or rare tree species, such as oaks or yews, grow? The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) has developed the first high-resolution online maps that can provide detailed answers to such questions for 56 woody species found in Swiss forests.
Visualise long-term projections of Swiss forests with the FORTE Future app. Future distributions of habitat suitability and genetic mal-adaptation for various tree species are available.
Visualise the current condition of Swiss forests with the FORTE app. Filter data by tree species or by area through an intuitive user interface to assess heat and drought induced stress and the consequences for forest health.
Borkenkäfer.ch presents current trends in bark beetle populations' distribution in Switzerland as well as the forecast spread of those populations up to the end of the year.
PorTree models the habitat suitability of major species of forest trees in Switzerland under the influence of climate change. It's a joint project run by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and WSL.
Climate change affects the forest functions, forest health, the distribution of tree species and the forest as carbon sink. Recommendations for adapted forest management are being developed.