Climate services

Climate services are scientifically-based information and data about the past, present and future climate and its impacts on the environment, industry and society. They are the bedrock of climate-compatible decisions.

Climate services are developed in collaboration with users, thus providing measurable added value. Depending on the needs of the user, climate services include the development of climate scenarios, sector-specific and regional analyses of the impacts, risks and opportunities associated with climate change, and the identification of potential courses of action.

Illustration of two women and two men sitting at a desk. Three speech bubbles indicate that they are talking about climate services.
Comprehensive climate services do not only encompass climatological information and data but also deal with the socio-economic aspects of climate change, such as the risks and opportunities associated with it, and the possible courses of action.

Underpinning climate-compatible decision making

Climate services are essential for authorities, politicians and industry in underpinning the decision-making processes in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Appropriate measures can only be properly developed and implemented with the help of climate services. That way, decision makers can manage climate-related risks more efficiently, identify opportunities at an early stage and optimise benefits and costs. The effectiveness and impact of the measures is monitored so as to continuously improve the climate services.

The schematic shows climate services in the form of data and information on the left, and measures on the right. In between these is an arrow with “Fundamental basis” written on it, pointing from the climate services to the measures. Another arrow, with “Monitoring” written on it, points back from the measures to the climate services.
Climate services are the basis for developing adaptation and mitigation measures. Monitoring them allows improvements to be made to the climate services.

Promoting and disseminating climate services

As a network agent and knowledge hub, the NCCS provides an interface with the users of climate services in the following ways:

  • NCCS web platform that brings together the available climate services;
  • NCCS Forum for a nation-wide dialogue among all actors involved in climate services;
  • Workshops and conferences for more in-depth exchange;
  • Publications and communication materials for awareness-raising and information.
Four equal-sized areas in the schematic illustration show the main ways in which climate services are promoted in Switzerland: 1. Web platform, 2. NCCS forum, 3. Workshops, and 4. Documents and media.
The NCCS coordinates the promotion of climate services and provides advice on how to use the information and data.

Priority themes in the NCCS

Learn more about climate services in the video

Last modification 13.12.2022

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Office of the National Centre for Climate Services NCCS
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Operation Center 1
P.O. Box
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport

Angela Michiko Hama 


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