Human health

Climate change has considerable public health implications. In this NCCS priority theme, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) is collaborating with to develop a variety of climate services. The climate services serve to protect the public from the health-related effects of increasing heat stress and other risks.


The goals of this NCCS priority theme are as follows:

  • The Confederation will have up-to-date knowledge bases covering the effects of climate change on human health and focusing particularly on heat.
  • The Confederation will make knowledge-based information and materials concerning effective prevention measures available to the public, professionals and authorities.

Ongoing projects

The FOPH is currently implementing the following projects on the health-related effects of climate change in cooperation with other federal authorities:

Icon NCCS-Impacts

NCCS-Impacts: Human and animal health

The project «Impacts of climate change on health, well-being and performance of humans and animals and on food safety» is part of the «NCCS-Impacts» programme. Actionable climate services will be formulated for actors from 2022–2025.

Lupe Monitoring

Heat-related deaths

Heat-related deaths in Switzerland are being reported annually since 2023. The impact indicator «Heat-related deaths» also includes retrospective deaths for the years 1980 - 2022. This activity is conducted as part of the federal government's climate change adaptation strategy.

Patientin Pflegeperson

Adaptation measures to heat

The project – as part of the adaptation to climate change action plan – provides an overview of the degree of implementation of adaptation measures to increasing heat stress in the health sector. Several indicators and/or issues will be defined, examined and detailed in this context from 2023–2026.



Last modification 25.07.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Healthcare Developement Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Berne
Tel.: +41 58 463 30 11

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