
Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Agroscope makes an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and food sector.

Locations Agroscope
Agroscope conducts research at several locations. In the picture from left to right: Changins, Posieux, Reckenholz.
© Agroscope

Agroscope conducts research along the entire value chain of the agricultural and food sectors. Its goals are a competitive and multifunctional agriculture, high-quality food for a healthy diet, and an intact environment. In pursuing these aims, the research institute gears itself to the needs of its service recipients.

Agroscope is characterised by its combination of research, policy advice, enforcement, knowledge exchange and technology transfer, as well as by its coupling of application-oriented basic research and with the practice. Agroscope is a partner of NCCS and supports the Federal Office of Agriculture (FOAG) in the development of scientific baselines.

Priority themes with contributions from Agroscope

Crop pests

Climate plays a key role for the distribution and development of harmful organisms. Scenarios predicting future changes in the prevalence of pests and pathogens serve as a basis for planning adaptation measures in plant protection.



Agrometeo - Forecast and risk assessments for agriculture

Agrometeo is a platform that gather information and decision support tools for guiding pesticide application in agriculture. It is based on a network of more than 150 weather stations that provide microclimatic inputs to various forecast models, which are used to predict the risks of disease and pest outbreaks.

Last modification 05.11.2018

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Agroecology and Agriculture
Climate and Agriculture Group

Pierluigi Calanca

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