The Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP coordinates Swiss civil protection. It develops risk-based plans for the prevention and management of disasters and emergencies for the federal and cantonal authorities, operators of critical infrastructures and the general public.
In cooperation with other federal agencies, the cantons and partner organisations, the FOCP ensures the further development of the strategy and coordination in Swiss civil protection. At the national level, it ensures the efficiency management bodies, civilian emergency services and central systems and processes. It provides secure, modern systems for communication between management bodies and for alerting and informing the population. It provides comprehensive training services and organises large group exercises. It ensures the provision of management infrastructures and operates its own NBC laboratory infrastructures.
The FOCP has been a partner of the National Centre for Climate Services NCCS from the outset. Within the framework of its mission to carry out research and development in the field of civil protection, it ensures that appropriate account is taken of issues falling within the remit of the NCCS. The focus here is on the further development of risk-based plans in the area of natural hazards.
Priority themes with contributions from FOCP
FOCP publications on hazards and risks
The FOCP is responsible for conducting risk and vulnerability analyses, in particular the national hazard analysis of catastrophes and emergencies, as well as the basis for cantonal hazard analysis.
The FOCP cooperates closely with scientific bodies.
FOCP publications on civil protection and climate change
Last modification 07.07.2022